
Posted 2012年2月20日 by





<div align="center"  class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:tb:2500" id="asse111" />



<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<h2>Hello world top</h2>
The current time is
<div class="seedo:myapp.HelloWorldDb1:tb">xxxxx</div>
<div align="center" class="seedo:myapp.HelloWorldDb1:tb" />
<div align="center"  class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:tb:2500" id="asse111" />
<table border="1">
<th class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:get:2" />
<td seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getName" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getDept" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getSal" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getJob">job</td>
<th class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:get:3" />
<td seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getName" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getDept" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getSal" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getJob">job</td>
<th class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:get:1" />
<td seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getName" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getDept" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getSal" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getJob">job</td>
<th class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:get:0" />
<td seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getName" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getDept" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getSal" />
<td class="xxx" seedo="myapp.HelloWorldTop1:getJob">job</td>


HTMLファイルのなかで使っているHelloWorldTop1 クラスの定義は以下のとおり。

package myapp
import java.util.{HashMap,Date}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.immutable._
import scala.xml._
import seedo.database._

class HelloWorldTop1 extends TmpApp {
  var EMPNO:String = "EMPNO"
  var ENAME:String = "ENAME"
  var SAL:String = "SAL"
  var DEPTNO:String = "DEPTNO"
  var JOB:String = "JOB"
  var MGR:String = "MGR"

  var records:Array[Array[Any]] = null
  def rc(record:Array[Any]) : Unit ={
    EMPNO = if(record(0)!=null){record(0).toString}else{""}
    ENAME = if(record(1)!=null){record(1).toString}else{""}
    SAL = if(record(2)!=null){record(2).toString}else{""}
    DEPTNO = if(record(3)!=null){record(3).toString}else{""}
    JOB = if(record(4)!=null){record(4).toString}else{""}
    MGR = if(record(5)!=null){record(5).toString}else{""}
  def recx(record:Array[Any]) :Node =  {
	var nodes  = Queue.empty[Node]
	record.foreach{(fx) => nodes += <TD>{fx}</TD>}
    return <TR>{nodes}</TR>
  // Function one argument
  def tb(sal:String) : String = {
  def tb(sal:Int) : String = {
    val deptno = parameterMap.get("deptno") match {
      case v:Array[String] => v(0).toInt 
      case null => 10
    var sql:Db = null 
    try {
		sql = new Db
			.where("SAL > ?",sal)
			.or("DEPTNO = ?",deptno)
		records = sql.executeQuery
		var nodes  = Queue.empty[Node]
		records.foreach{(rec) => {
			nodes += recx(rec)
			rc(rec) // record values 最後のレコードの値が残ることになる。
		val xml = <table border="2">{nodes}</table>
	    return "HelloWorldDb3 " + new Date + xml.toString
	} catch {
      case e:Exception =>{
        throw e
    } finally {
    	if(sql != null)sql.close
  def get(no:Int) : String = {
    if(records != null && no < records.length) {
    	return "G E T "+no
    } else {
    	return "Empty"
  def getId : String ={EMPNO}
  def getName : String ={ENAME}
  def getDept : String ={DEPTNO}
  def getJob : String ={JOB}
  def getSal : String ={SAL}
  def getMgr : String ={MGR}


package ews.servlet.sp

import java.util.HashMap
import org.xml.sax._
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable.Stack
import ews.servlet.session._

 * HTMLを直接PrintWriterへ出力する。
class ParserCallback6(pMap:HashMap[String,Array[String]], out:java.io.PrintWriter, session : Session) extends DefaultHandler {
	var buf = new StringBuffer
	val stackChange = new Stack[ExecTag]	// For substitution
	var locator:Locator = null
	var createClasses = new HashMap[String,ExecClass]	// created class
	override def toString : String = buf.toString
	override def setDocumentLocator (locator:Locator) :Unit=  {
		this.locator = locator
	override def startDocument ():Unit= {}
	override def endDocument():Unit= {}
	// タグスタート
	override def startElement ( uri:String,  name:String, qualifiedName:String , attrs:Attributes ):Unit={
		var tag = "<"
			tag += name
		} else {
			tag += name.toLowerCase	// tagを小文字で統一する
		var fullFag = false	//
		var seedoFag = false // Page class object
		var end = false		// タグが / で閉じているか?
		for (idx <- 0 to attrs.getLength - 1){
			val attributeType = attrs.getType(idx)
			val attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idx) 
		  	val attrName = attrs.getQName(idx)
			val attrValue = attrs.getValue(idx)
			if(attrLocalName.length > 0 && !"#text".equals(attrLocalName)){
				if("/".equals(attrLocalName) && attrValue.length == 0){
					end = true	// tagが閉じた
				} else if("!DOCTYPE".equalsIgnoreCase(name) && "html".equalsIgnoreCase(attrLocalName)){
					tag += " html"
				} else {
					if("class".equals(attrName) && attrValue.startsWith("seedo:")){
						val execCommand = attrValue.split(":")	// Each element is separated. 
						if(execCommand.length >= 3) {	// It doesn't substitute it if there are neither a class name nor a function name. 
							stackChange.push(new ExecTag(
							,new StringBuffer	// The tag to be substituted is maintained. 
							,false // class="seedo:...."
							fullFag = true	// 動的タグとして置換状態にある
						} else {
							println("$$$$$$$$$$ execClass Warning " + attrName + "='" + attrValue + "'")
					} else if("seedo".equals(attrName) && attrValue.length > 0){	// Servlet class
						val execCommand = attrValue.split(":")	// Each element is separated. 
						if(execCommand.length >= 1) {	// It doesn't substitute it if there are neither a class name nor a function name. 
							stackChange.push(new ExecTag(
							,new StringBuffer	// The tag to be substituted is maintained.
							,true // SEEDO attribute
							seedoFag = true
						} else {
							println("$$$$$$$$$$ execClass Warning " + attrName + "='" + attrValue + "'")
					} else {
						tag += (" " + attrLocalName)
						if(attrValue != null && !("selected".equalsIgnoreCase(attrLocalName) || "checked".equalsIgnoreCase(attrLocalName) || "disabled".equalsIgnoreCase(attrLocalName) )) {
							tag += ("=\"" + attrValue + "\"")
		tag += ">"

		if(fullFag == true || seedoFag == true){	// 動的タグを記録する
			if(end){ // スラでタグが閉じている場合
				if(!stackChange.isEmpty){// Tag inside class="seedo" 
					stackChange.top.getBufChange.append(tag)	// 動的タグのオリジナルを設定
					tag += exec		// タグは、動的タグ生成側でタグ付けする。
					stackChange.pop	// The stack for substitution is liberated. 
		} else {
			} else {	// 動的タグにネストするタグは置換対象となるため、このタグをバッファに蓄える
	// タグエンド
	override def endElement (uri:String ,  name:String, qualifiedName:String):Unit={
		val endTag = "</" + name.toLowerCase +">"
		if(stackChange.isEmpty) {	// Tag to be substituted inside
		} else {
	  		if(name.equalsIgnoreCase(stackChange.top.getStartTag)) {
	  			var str:String = null
				if(!stackChange.isEmpty){// Tag inside class="seedo" 
					str = stackChange.top.getStartTagFull + exec + endTag
					stackChange.pop	// The stack for substitution is liberated. 
				} else {// class="seedo" 動的タグがネストしている
	// タグ以外
	override def characters(ch:Array[Char],start:Int,length:Int) : Unit = {
		var str:String = ""
		for(i <- start to length+start-1){
			str += ch(i)
		} else {// inside tag class="seedo"
	// 動的タグを実行する
	def exec : String = {
		// Depth of the same stack as tag that became substitution beginning -> tag end
		var changeTag:String = ""
		val execCommand = stackChange.top.getExecCommand
		if(stackChange.top.getSeedo){ // SEEDO attribute
		  return create(execCommand)
		val classname = execCommand(1)	// classnamesをNULLで関数呼び出ししてはいけない
		var method = ""
			var ec:ExecClass = new ExecClass(classname)		// Object is generated. 
			if(ec != null){
				ec.exec("setTag",stackChange.top.getBufChange.toString)	// TAG before it substitutes it is set. 
				ec.exec("setParameterMap",pMap)	// GetParameterMap method of ServletRequest to acquire parameter
				ec.exec("setSession",session)	// セッション情報を引き渡す
				if(execCommand.length == 3){	// Argument none
					method = execCommand(2)
					val result = ec.exec(method)
					if(result != null)
						changeTag = result.toString
				} else if(execCommand.length == 4){	// There is one argument. 
					method = execCommand(2)
					val value = execCommand(3)
					val result = ec.execStr(method,value)
					if(result != null)
					  changeTag = result.toString
		} catch {
			case e:NoSuchMethodException => {
				println("Exception "+e.getMessage + " NoSuchMethodException! :" + classname + " " + method)
			case e:Exception => {
				println("Exception "+e.getMessage + " class or Method not find! :" + classname + " " + method)
		return changeTag
	// Seedo 動的サブレットクラス・オブジェクトを生成する
	def create(classnames:Array[java language=".lang.String"][/java]) : String = {
		val classname = classnames(0)	// classnamesをNULLで関数呼び出ししてはいけない
		var method = ""
		var changeTag:String = ""
		var ec:ExecClass = null
		ec = createClasses.get(classname)
			if(ec == null){	// はじめてクラス名が現れた
				ec = new ExecClass(classname)		// Object is generated.
				if(ec != null){
					createClasses.put(classname, ec)		// 生成したクラス・オブジェクトを登録する
					ec.exec("setParameterMap",pMap)	// GetParameterMap method of ServletRequest to acquire parameter
					ec.exec("setSession",session)	// セッション情報を引き渡す
			if(ec != null){
				if(classnames.length == 2){	// Argument none
					method = classnames(1) 
					val result = ec.exec(method)
					if(result != null)
						changeTag = result.toString
				} else if(classnames.length == 3){	// There is one argument. 
					method = classnames(1) 
					val value = classnames(2)
					val result = ec.execStr(method,value)
					if(result != null)
						changeTag = result.toString
			} else {
				println("Exception :Not create object = " + classname + " " + method)
		} catch {
			case e:NoSuchMethodException => {
				println("Exception "+e.getMessage + " NoSuchMethodException! :" + classname + " " + method)
			case e:Exception => {
				println("Exception "+e.getMessage + " class or Method not find! :" + classname + " " + method)
		return changeTag

Post Details

  • Post Title: 動的ページのフレームワークの機能拡張
  • Author: admin
  • Filed As: Framework, Scala
  • Tags:
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