Web フレームワークを作る!! test case#2

Posted 2011年8月23日 by



  • String型からDate型への変換を追加
  • InvocationTargetExceptionの例外処理
package ews
import java.lang.reflect.{Field,InvocationTargetException,Method,Type}
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.util.{Calendar,Date}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.sql.{CallableStatement, PreparedStatement, ResultSet,Timestamp}
import javax.persistence.{Column,Entity,Id,Table,Lob,UniqueConstraint,SequenceGenerator}
import seedo.Util

 * The function is executed specifying the class.
class ExecClass(className:String
    ) {
	val myClass = Class.forName(className)	// The class is gotten from the class name.
	val Obj = myClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]	// create Object
    val clazz:Class[_] = Obj.getClass	// Class of Bean
	 * It executes it specifying the type of the argument of the function.
	def execStr(methodName:String,value:String) : AnyRef = {
	  try {	// The function with the Int in the argument is called.
		val v = value.toInt
	   	return exec(methodName,v)
	  } catch {
	  	case e:Exception => {}
	  try {	// The function with the Long in the argument is called.
		val v = value.toLong
		return exec(methodName,v)
	  } catch {
	  	case e:Exception => {}
	  try {	// The function with the Double in the argument is called.
		val v = value.toDouble
		return exec(methodName,v)
	  } catch {
	  	case e:Exception => {}
	  val DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy/MM/dd"
      val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN)
      try {
    	val v = sdf.parse(value)
		return exec(methodName,v)
      } catch {
      	case e:Exception => {}
	  return exec(methodName,value)
	 * The function with the argument is executed.
	def exec(methodName:String,value:Any) : AnyRef = {
  	    if(value == null){
	    	val method:Method = clazz.getMethod(methodName)
	    	return method.invoke(Obj)
  	    // The function is executed specifying the type of the argument of the function.
	    if(value.isInstanceOf[Int]){// The function with the Int in the argument is called.
	    	val method = clazz.getMethod(methodName, classOf[Int])
	    	val v = new Integer(value.asInstanceOf[Int])
	   		try {
	   			return method.invoke(Obj, v)
	   		} catch {
	   			case e:InvocationTargetException => {
	   				throw new Exception(e.getCause)
	    } else if(value.isInstanceOf[Long]){// The function with the Long in the argument is called.
	    	val method = clazz.getMethod(methodName, classOf[Long])
	    	val v = new java.lang.Float(value.asInstanceOf[Long])
	   		try {
	   			return method.invoke(Obj, v)
	   		} catch {
	   			case e:InvocationTargetException => {
	   				throw new Exception(e.getCause)
	    } else if(value.isInstanceOf[Float]){// The function with the Float in the argument is called.
	    	val method = clazz.getMethod(methodName, classOf[Float])
	    	val v = new java.lang.Float(value.asInstanceOf[Float])
	   		try {
	   			return method.invoke(Obj, v)
	   		} catch {
	   			case e:InvocationTargetException => {
	   				throw new Exception(e.getCause)
	    } else if(value.isInstanceOf[Double]){// The function with the Double in the argument is called.
	    	val method = clazz.getMethod(methodName, classOf[Double])
	    	val v = new java.lang.Double(value.asInstanceOf[Double])
	   		try {
	   			return method.invoke(Obj, v)
	   		} catch {
	   			case e:InvocationTargetException => {
	   				throw new Exception(e.getCause)
	    } else if(value.isInstanceOf[Char]){// The function with the Char in the argument is called.
	    	val method = clazz.getMethod(methodName, classOf[Char])
	    	val v = new Character(value.asInstanceOf[Char])
	   		try {
	   			return method.invoke(Obj, v)
	   		} catch {
	   			case e:InvocationTargetException => {
	   				throw new Exception(e.getCause)
	    } else {	// other class
	    	var valClass:Class[_] = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass
	    	val method = clazz.getMethod(methodName, valClass)
	   		try {
	   			return method.invoke(Obj, value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
	   		} catch {
	   			case e:InvocationTargetException => {
	   				throw new Exception(e.getCause)
	 * The function is executed.
	def exec(methodName:String) : AnyRef ={
		if(methodName == null)
			return null
		try {
			val method:Method = clazz.getMethod(methodName)
			return method.invoke(Obj)
		} catch {
			case e:InvocationTargetException => {
				throw new Exception(e.getCause)
			case e:Exception => {
				throw new Exception(e)

改修したExecClassクラスをテストするためのHelloWorld3 クラス。

  • 引数なしtb関数に置換元を格納するtag変数からspanタグを取り出し、HelloWorld文字列に追加
  • 整数を引数に持つtb関数にパラメータの値を、HelloWorld文字列に追加
  • Date型を引数に持つtb関数を追加
package ews
import java.util.{HashMap,Date}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.xml._
 *  A class that's instantiated early and run.  It allows the application
 * to modify Seedo's environment
class HelloWorld3 {
  var tag:String = null // Replaced original tag
  def setTag(tg:String): Unit = {tag = tg}
  var parameterMap:HashMap[String,Array[String]] = null // Parameter from request of servlet
  def setParameterMap(pm:HashMap[String,Array[String]]) : Unit =  {parameterMap = pm}
  // Function without argument
  def tb : String = {
    var xml : Node = null
    var str : String = ""
    if(tag != null){
      xml = XML.loadString(tag)
      val l = xml \\ "span"
      l.foreach(v=> str += "" + v)
    "HelloWorld " + new Date + str
  def tb(no:Int) : String = {
    var str : String = " parameterMap: "
       parameterMap.foreach(v => {
         str += v._1 + "="
         v._2.foreach(w =>
           str += w + ","
    "HelloWorld Int [" + no + "] " + new Date + str
  def tb(no:Double) : String = {
    "HelloWorld Double [" + no + "] " + new Date
  def tb(no:Date) : String = {
    "HelloWorld " + no.getClass + " [" + no + "] " + new Date
  def tb(no:String) : String = {
    "HelloWorld " + no.getClass + " [" + no + "] " + new Date


<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
The current time is
<div class="seedo:ews.HelloWorld3:tb">
	<div>The current time is <span class="seedo:ews.HelloWorld3:tb:999999999">now</span>.</div>
	<div>The current time is <span class="seedo:ews.HelloWorld3:tb:こんばんわ">now</span>.</div>


Post Details

  • Post Title: Web フレームワークを作る!! test case#2
  • Author: admin
  • Filed As: Framework, Scala
  • Tags:
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